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🌱 Nurturing Gut Health: The Key to a Healthy Body and Reduced Inflammation 🌱

The renowned Hippocrates once said, "All disease begins in the gut." This statement highlights the crucial connection between gut health and overall well-being.

Recognizing the signs of an improperly functioning gut, such as bloating, gas, acne, anxiety/depression, constipation, sugar cravings, and food intolerances, is essential.

To foster optimal gut function and reduce inflammation in the body, here are several important considerations:

1. Avoid Toxic Foods: Take proactive measures to eliminate gut-disrupting culprits, including:

Processed seed oils like canola, vegetable, soybean, and palm oil.

Packaged foods laden with processed sugars and artificial flavorings/colorings.Genetically modified (GMO) and non-organic food items.

Excessive consumption of raw fibrous vegetables.

Gluten-containing foods such as bread, pasteurized dairy, soy, corn, and certain nuts.

Alcohol, antibiotics/prescription drugs, anti-inflammatories, and excessive coffee intake.

While certain items can be occasionally reintroduced (e.g., desserts as a treat, sourdough), maintaining strict avoidance initially is crucial for gut healing.

2. Embrace the Power of Chewing: Digestion initiates in the mouth, emphasizing the importance of thorough chewing. By breaking down food in our mouths, we ease the workload of other digestive organs. Insufficient chewing can lead to bloating and indigestion. Let's honor the role of chewing, allowing our stomach enzymes to carry out their functions effectively.

3. Embrace Fasting: Granting your gut periods of rest from constant food consumption is vital for healing and repair. Incorporate intermittent fasting within your day or consider a 24-hour fast every 2-4 weeks to facilitate this rejuvenation process.

4. Embrace the Healing Benefits of Bone Broth: Bone broth, an incredible gut-healing food, addresses small intestine permeability issues while enhancing nutrient absorption. It also supplies essential bone-strengthening nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. I personally start each morning with a nourishing cup of bone broth seasoned with sea salt. This can be enjoyed even while fasting.

5. Introduce Probiotic Foods: The composition of bacteria and yeast in our large intestine significantly impacts our overall health and well-being. Incorporate probiotic-rich foods like kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi into your daily diet to promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

6. Prioritize Stress Reduction: Even if you're diligently adhering to a healthy diet, unresolved stress can still contribute to gut issues. Remaining in a constant state of high arousal within the sympathetic nervous system can impair digestion. Make it a priority to relax and practice deep breathing before meals to create a conducive environment for optimal gut function.

Remember, nurturing your gut health is an ongoing journey. By implementing these strategies and cultivating a mindful approach to your well-being, you can pave the way for a healthier gut, a vibrant body, and enhanced overall vitality.

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